Par Max_Castiel le mercredi 01 août 2001 - 06h26: |
Dear Jaco,
Please try offering a different link than to your viewers under the rubric NEWS, its a shame that it directly hooks up to "sionisme" article that is hideously biased and defamatory to history and incriminating to Jewish history without even so
much as a single word that gives balance to the debate.
...besides the fact that it presents itself in Yahoo.Fr as being an informative piece on the basic principles of zionism.
it turns out o be a slanted revision of jewish history that tkaes jews as supremacists, elitists, imperialists who are more cruel than nazis and kill palestinian babies.
it's disguised propanganda and revisionism other words it's pure trash, probably subsidized by French anti semites.
It doesn't belong on your websites array of possible links.
Regards, Max Castiel
Par Robert_Abraham (Robert_Abraham) le samedi 14 juin 2003 - 03h19: |
Monsieur Castiel nous demande de retirer notre lien avec qui est selon lui une organisation anti-semite qui fait de la propagande deguisee et du revisionnisme.
Mister Castiel,
I have translated your letter into French. Now let us wait for the comments...
Thanks for your post!