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Jérusalem, - 2 Av 5764
Le Likoud Mondial salue la déclaration du Premier ministre de l'Etat d'Israël, M. Ariel Sharon, adressant un appel pressant aux Juifs de France à immigrer en Israël.
Le Likoud mondial rappelle que la Renaissance de l'Etat juif sioniste est destinée à rassembler le peuple juif sur son territoire ancestral et particulièrement les Juifs qui se trouvent en danger.
Il est indéniable que l'islamisation croissante de la France a ajouté une dimension spéciale à l'antisémitisme qui y sévit. Les pouvoirs publics peuvent manifester une indignation de façade devant la constatation de M. Sharon mais la politique de l'autruche qu'ils pratiquent ne saurait travestir la réalité.
Les Juifs ont trop payé par le passé pour avoir écouté les propos lénifiants de quelques Juifs de service pour ne pas prendre la pleine mesure de la situation en France. La politique orientée du gouvernement de la République en défaveur de l'Etat d'Israël, son appui constant aux terroristes arabes et à leur chef Arafat, son soutien financier aux basses śuvres des criminels arabes contre la population juive, les provocations du Quai d'Orsay ne font qu'attiser le climat antisémite en France.
Le Likoud mondial se joint à l'appel du Premier Ministre Sharon et invite les Juifs de France à venir établir leur avenir en Israël.
Jacques KUPFER
Président du Likoud Mondial
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Chambon-sur-Lignon : c’était pour rire !
Hervé Ladsous, porte-parole du Ministère Français des Affaires Etrangères, commentant la résolution de l’Assemblée Générale de l’ONU exigeant d’Israël le démantèlement de la barrière de sécurité, s’est félicité «de l'adoption de cette résolution, qui illustre l'efficacité du processus de négociation entre Européens».
Monsieur Ladsous est heureux ce matin.
Heureux comme un scientifique réalisant une expérience et la réussissant. L’Europe politique avait du mal à éclore après 50 ans de construction européenne. Elle disposait, en ce mois de Juillet 2004, de matériel vivant : une petite démocratie, perdue au milieu d’un Moyen-Orient hostile, tellement facile à vilipender. Il suffisait de rejoindre la meute de loups internationale qu’est devenue l’Assemblée Générale de l’ONU.
Là, bien protégée par la loi du nombre, l’Europe avec la France comme fer de lance, a pu tester sa capacité à parvenir à un «processus de négociation».
Une expérience scientifique européenne à grande échelle sur des Juifs vivants. Ca ne vous rappelle rien ?
Un peu facile de faire des discours grandiloquents au Chambon-sur-Lignon, si c’est pour avoir les mains libres quelques jours plus tard et faire injure aux Justes de la deuxième guerre mondiale dont les survivants devraient refuser désormais d’être ainsi instrumentalisés.
Jean-Pierre Chemla, 22 juillet 2004
© Primo-Europe
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Voici ma reaction a l'article "Pourquoi Jonathan Pollard est encore derriere les barreaux":
L'histoire de Yossef Ha Tsadik se repete. Ses propres freres le vendent comme esclave en Egypte. Bien apres, Yossef devenu une grande autorite en Egypte, fait venir aupres de lui sa famille (70 membres) de Canaan pour les sauver de la famine.
Donc, c'est justement grace a la trahison des freres de Yossef que nous sommes descendus en Egypte ou nous fumes esclaves et que Hachem nous a libere de l'esclavage en nous faisant le don de la Torah.
Si Hachem a choisi Jonathan Pollard pour une epreuve si difficile, c'est certainement parcequ'il en est a la hauteur. Si Israel n'y parvient pas, ce sera par la force de Hachem qu'il sera libere.
Je ne pleure pas seulement pour Jonathan, je pleure surtout pour Israel.
Yael Deitz
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Selon une info donnee par le Consulat General d'Israel a NY, Arafat aurait renonce son autorite de decisionnaire sur les Forces de Securite.
Pour que le Chacal lache, il aura fallu certainement bcp de pressions!!!
Arafat Agrees to Give Up Authority Over Security Forces
Under mounting pressure, Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat has agreed to grant his prime minister full authority over security forces, as well as consolidate at least a dozen security branches into three agencies, HA'ARETZ reported. "Arafat expressed his readiness to give (Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei) full authority to reshuffle his cabinet in the way that he sees fit and give the government full authority over the internal security services," said Imad Fallouji, a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council.
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan had urged Arafat on Wednesday to empower his prime minister and interior minister to carry out essential reforms in the PA, particularly in the security establishment. Arafat since issued a decree, formalizing the pledge to issue such reforms.
Meanwhile, earlier on Wednesday, Palestinians kidnapped and later released a senior official of the local government of the West Bank city of Nablus. The abduction was the latest in a series of abductions amidst growing chaos in the Palestinian territories, which led to a reshuffling of the Palestinian security forces and the attempted resignation of Qurei. Arafat refused to accept Qurei's resignation, so the prime minister was forced to remain in office.
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Ce matin je fais une petite fixation sur Kerry.
Savez-vous que la milliardaire de femme de John Kerry Theresa Heinz Kerry qui est aussi la veuve du Senateur (Republicain!) Heinz a la tete de l'empire Heinz (ketchup) aurait donne par l'intermediaire de la Howard Heinz Foundation pres de 4 millions de dollars a la Tide Foundation entre 1998 et 200?.
La Tide Foundation a des liens tres rapproches avec CAIR (Council for American Islamic Relation http://www.cair-net.org/)une organisation suspectee de soutien au terrorisme.
Je vous livre l'article de Daniel Pipes du Middle East Forum et de Ben Johnson paru sur www.Frontmagemagazine.com.
Enfin voila ce qu'on dit deux senateurs sur CAIR
Sen. Richard Durbin (Illinois): [CAIR is] unusual in its extreme rhetoric and its associations with groups that are suspect..
Sen. Charles Schumer (Democrate New York): we know [CAIR] has ties to terrorism.
Bien sur on en a jamais parle ds la presse francaise...
Teresa Heinz and CAIR By Daniel Pipes
March 17, 2004
The wife of the Democratic candidate for president of the United States, John Kerry, appears to be giving money to the Council on American-Islamic Relations, an organization I have for two years characterized as standing "on the wrong side in the war on terrorism." Here's the connection:
The Capital Research Center, an agency that tracks non-profits and charities, indicates that the Howard Heinz Endowment (which Teresa F. Heinz chairs) gave some $4 million to the Tides Center during the period 1998-2001, or about $1 million a year. In addition, the Vira I. Heinz Endowment (where Teresa sits on the board) gave $75,000 to the Tides Foundation in 1998. (The Capital Research Center has done a useful analysis of just what the Tides Foundation is.)
Heinz Endowment funds going to Tides have come under intense media scrutiny of late, prompting Tides to post a press release on the topic on March 11, 2004; but CAIR has not been part of the discussion until now, except for an analysis by Ben Johnson of FrontPageMag.com.
The Tides Center and the Tides Foundation both make up part of what are called the "Tides Family of Organizations" (leave it to the far left to use the word family in this way), as is Groundspring.org.
CAIR is among the organizations Tides has announced it is "privileged" to support.
Teresa Heinz Kerry: Bag Lady for the Radical Left By Ben Johnson FrontPageMagazine.com | February 13, 2004
With Matt Drudge’s recent revelation that John Kerry is as faithful to his second wife as he was to his old Vietnam “brothers,” the senator’s presidential campaign may depend more than ever on the actions of his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry. While the mainstream media has thus far overlooked the alleged infidelity, media outlets have also overlooked a far more important story: The former Mrs. John Heinz is also in bed – financially – with the radical Left.
Teresa Heinz Kerry has financed the secretive Tides Foundation to the tune of more than $4 million over the years. The Tides Foundation, a “charity” established in 1976 by antiwar leftist activist Drummond Pike, distributes millions of dollars in grants every year to political organizations advocating far-Left causes. The Tides Foundation and its closely allied Tides Center, which was spun off from the Foundation in 1996 but run by Drummond Pike, distributed nearly $66 million in grants in 2002 alone. In all, Tides has distributed more than $300 million for the Left. These funds went to rabid antiwar demonstrators, anti-trade demonstrators, domestic Islamist organizations, pro-terrorists legal groups, environmentalists, abortion partisans, extremist homosexual activists and open borders advocates.
During the years 1995-2001, the Howard Heinz Endowment, which Heinz Kerry chairs, gave Tides more than $4.3 million. The combined Heinz Endowments (composed of the Howard Heinz Endowment and the Vira I. Heinz Endowment) donated $1.6 million to establish the Tides Center for Western Pennsylvania, a Pittsburgh office of the San Francisco-based Tides Center. Since that time, the local branch has tirelessly pushed an anti-business agenda in the name of “preserving the environment.” However, it is the Tides Foundation’s national organization whose connections are most disconcerting.
The Tides Foundation is a major source of revenue for some of the most extreme groups on the Left. Tides allows donors to anonymously contribute money to a host of causes; the donor simply makes the check out to Tides and instructs the Foundation where to forward the money. Tides does so. The Tides Center will even manage a left-wing project, for a nominal fee. Drummond Pike told The Chronicle of Philanthropy, “Anonymity is very important to most of the people we work with.” That becomes understandable when one views the list of Tides grant recipients. And who are the beneficiaries of this money?
The Antiwar Movement
Senator John F. Kerry has gone far with his nuanced view of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He voted for the war resolution but specified a litany of conditions the Bush administration must meet before he would support combat, then proceeded to vote against funding troops already in harm’s way – then claimed he had always supported the president when Saddam Hussein was captured. The grant recipients of the Tides Foundation, to which Kerry’s wife has steered millions of dollars in “charitable” funds, understand no such nuance.
Tides established the Iraq Peace Fund and the Peace Strategies Fund to fund the antiwar movement. These projects fueled such hysterical protest organizations as MoveOn.org, the website that recently featured two separate commercials portraying George W. Bush as Adolf Hitler. (Howard Dean, not Kerry, won MoveOn.org’s “virtual primary.”)
The antiwar movement often boasted that MoveOn.org and the radical website Indymedia provided them “alternate media coverage.” Indymedia, an enormous news and events bulletin board with local pages in most of the world’s major cities, provided a vital link for radical activists often with violent agendas to coordinate their protests. Indymedia received $376,000 from the Tides Foundation.
The Institute for Global Communications is another leftist communications facilitator that received Tides grant money. IGC, which during the 1990s was the leading provider of web technology to the radical Left, links to “recommended sites” such as the War Resisters League (a group whose purpose is enabling peaceniks to refuse to pay taxes) and the leftist American Friends Service Committee. Most disturbing is the link to Ramsey Clark’s International Action Center, which has supported Slobodan Milosevic and North Korean strongman Kim Jong-Il. The IAC is the force behind International ANSWER, which sponsored the major antiwar (and anti-Bush) rallies before the invasion of Iraq. When ANSWER was outed as a Communist organization, United for Peace and Justice, headed by longtime Communist Party member Leslie Cagan was created as a "moderate" alternative. UFPJ is also a Tides grant recipient.The Tides-funded “A Better Way Project,” which opposed war in Iraq, also coordinated efforts of United for Peace and Justice and the Win Without War Coalition. The celebrity-laden Win Without War Coalition, along with the Bill Moyers-funded Florence and John Schumann Foundation, ran full-page ads in the New York Times opposing the War on Terrorism. This will not be the last overlapping of far-Left causes.
The Islamist Front
Immediately after 9/11, Tides formed a “9/11 Fund” to advocate a “peaceful national response” to the opening salvos of war. Part of the half-million dollars in grants the 9/11 Fund dispersed went to the New York Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project to protect the rights of homosexual Arabs. The Foundation replaced the 9/11 Fund with the “Democratic Justice Fund,” which was established with the aid of George Soros’ Open Society Institute. (Currency speculator and pro-drug advocate Soros is, like Teresa Heinz Kerry, a major contributor to Tides, having donated more than $7 million.) The Democratic Justice Fund seeks to ease restrictions on Muslim immigration to the United States, particularly from countries designated by the State Department as “terrorist nations.”
Tides has also given grant money to the Council for American Islamic Relations. Ostensibly a “Muslim civil rights group,” CAIR is in fact one of the leading anti-anti-terrorism organizations within the Wahhabi Lobby, with links to Hamas. CAIR regularly opposes and demonizes American efforts to fight terrorism, claiming, for instance, that Homeland Security measures are responsible for an undocumented surge in “hate crimes.”
CAIR officials have reason to fight Bush’s anti-terrorism measures: all too many CAIR officials are on the record supporting terrorism. CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad openly stated in 1994, “I am a supporter of the Hamas movement.” Community Affairs Director Bassem K. Khafagi has been arrested for visa and bank fraud. Randall Royer, a Communications Specialist and Civil Rights Coordinator at CAIR, was arrested along with a group of Islamic radicals in Virginia for allegedly planning jihad. CAIR has defended terrorist “charities” shut down by the Bush administration. Every few months some CAIR campus official is arrested for aiding and abetting terrorism.
The Legal Matrix
The Tides Foundation has funded a number of the pillars of the radical legal establishment. Chief among these is the National Lawyers Guild, which began as a Commnist front organization and is proud of its lineage. At its recent convention last October, the concluding speaker was Lynne Stewart, an indicted terrorist NLG lawyer arrested for helping her client – convicted 1993 World Trade Center bombing mastermind Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman – communicate with his terrorist cells in Egypt. In her speech, Stewart said she and her NLG comrades were carrying on a proud tradition of their forebears, past and present:
And modern heroes, dare I mention? Ho and Mao and Lenin, Fidel and Nelson Mandela and John Brown, Che Guevara who reminds us, “At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love.” Our quests like theirs are to shake the very foundations of the continents.
More recently, the NLG has endorsed the March 20 call to End Colonial Occupation from Iraq to Palestine & Everywhere” organized by International ANSWER, and has posted a petition for “Post-Conviction Relief” for convicted cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal.
Tides’ Peace Strategies Fund has funneled money to the Center for Constitutional Rights. The CCR was stablished by Sixties radical William Kunstler, defender of the Chicago 8, and Arthur Kinoy. The two also had plans to establish a new Communist Party. Executive Director Ron Daniels has been honored by the Communist Party USA for his work. Daniels also has a long and cordial relationship with racist, anti-Semitic “poet laureate” Amiri Baraka. Since 9/11, CCR has channeled its efforts into fighting every effective Homeland Security measure. They have opposed increasing the government’s ability to wiretap Islamists suspected of plotting terrorism and moaned the sequestering of terrorist detainees at Guantanamo Bay was an unexcusable form of “racial profiling.” CCR President Michael Ratner has portrayed American soldiers as the offenders, guilty of 9/11 by their Middle East policy and guilty of keeping Islamist killers “shackled, hooded and sedated during the 25 hour flight from Afghanistan.” CCR has also defended Lynne Stewart’s “innocence” in aiding Sheikh Rahman’s Islamic Jihad.
Tides also funds the Alliance for Justice, a group dedicated to stopping Bush judicial appointees (a cause John Kerry can agree wholeheartedly endorse). Other Tides grants have gone to the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights and the Asian Law Caucus.
Environmental Extremism
The Tides Foundation has funded the Ruckus Society, a group of anarchist Greens who rioted and looted Seattle during the 1999 World Trade Organization riots. The Tides Center of Western Pennsylvania, established in Pittsburgh with Heinz Family funds, advocates for environmentalist measures that have helped put holes in the Rust Belt’s economy.
Tides money has also squashed free speech. Thanks to complaints generated by the Tides-funded Environmental Working Group, ABC cancelled a John Stossel piece exposing the misleading nature of environmental advocacy in public elementary schools.
Greenpeace is a well-known Tides grant recipient. Greenpeace is best known for its illegal actions, endangering humans in order to make a point about the environment. Tides gave Greenpeace a quarter of a million dollars over ten years.
Lest one think only Tides’ money is going to radicals, not funds directly controlled by Teresa Heinz Kerry, remember that Heinz money has repeatedly found its way to the Earth Island Institute. On September 14, 2001, the Institute’s website bore the headline “U.S. Responds to Terrorist Attacks with Self-Righteous Arrogance.”
Heinz family philanthropic funds have also had some dubious effects on the presidential race. The League of Conservation Voters has recently endorsed John Kerry’s presidential campaign. The Heinz Family Foundation gave LCV at least $20,000 and donated almost $250,000 to a member of the LCV board.
Perhaps this circular rotation of cash and endorsements should not surprise anyone. The grant-making institutions of the Left and their feverish recipients ultimately form an amorphous, leftist entity. One never needs to search very far to find connections between a leftist foundation and extreme advocacy groups. Teresa Heinz Kerry, George Soros, Bill Moyers and the Ford Foundation fund the Tides Foundation/Center; Tides funds the National Lawyers Guild, CAIR, MoveOn.org and United for Peace and Justice; those organizations then unite in fluid coalitions to protest against their common political enemies (Republicans). Ultimately, their representatives end up on Bill Moyers' PBS programs or active within the Democratic campaigns of their fundraisers. Between now and the election, these organizations will run constant interference for the Democratic presidential nominee (presumably Kerry himself): they will march en masse against the Bush administration again and again; they will file more lawsuits against the administration's Homeland Security measures, decry any effective response to terrorism, claim the United States is guilty of slaughtering Iraqi civilians and petition leftist judges to open America's borders to Islamist terrorists. After they help his election, President Kerry will be indebted to them. And then they will insist he begin implementing their political agenda.
Moreover, they will have a close ally in the East Wing of the White House, an ally more intimately tied to them than she is to her (second) husband. (She only adopted his last name and political party registration less than 18 months ago. “Politically, it's going to be Heinz Kerry,” she recently said. “But I don't give a sh-t, you know?”) Teresa Heinz Kerry will play a potent role in saving her second husband’s presidential campaign now – as Hillary Clinton did in 1992, and again during her husband’s impeachment. Like Hillary, in return for her service, Heinz may demand a place at the table for her pet causes. Caveat emptor.
Ben Johnson is Managing Editor of FrontPage Magazine
Enfin un artcle trouve sous le site www.anti-cair-net.org
Senator John Kerry, Supporting CAIR?
On March 17, 2004, the Weblog of Dr. Daniel Pipes, an internationally known expert on Islam tells an interesting story about the wife of presidential candidate Senator John Kerry. Mrs. Kerry has made significant contributions to the Tides Foundation, an organization that counts the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) as one of their beneficiaries. According to Pipes, the controversy over Mrs. Kerry’s association with the Tides Foundation has reached the point where they have had to issue a statement stating just how the money donated by the The Heinz Endowments has been spent.
Even though it appears to be true that little of the Heinz Endowment money was sent to CAIR, a quick check of the list of organizations supported by the Tides Foundation finds CAIR, along with a veritable “who’s who” of the leftist, “progressive”, and other anti-American organizations.
Anti-CAIR (ACAIR) believes that Senator Kerry owes the American people an explanation for his wife's association with the Tides Foundation, specifically:
1.Why does the Heinz Endowment find it necessary to route their donations through the Tides Foundation? What is preventing the Heinz Endowment from making direct contributions to those groups it supports?
2.CAIR is well known for supporting Islamic terrorist groups and individuals in the United States and overseas. Why would the Heinz Endowment want to route donations through an organization that has any contact with the Islamist terrorism supporting CAIR?
3.Will Senator Kerry condemn the Tides Foundation for their ties to CAIR and encourage his wife to cut off all contact between the Heinz Endowment and the Tides Foundation?
America does not need a presidential candidate associating in any way, even peripherally, with CAIR. CAIR has absolutely nothing positive to add to the national discussion on any subject and deserves the universal condemnation of all Americans who fear Islamist terrorism.
CAIR Duplicity; Condemning Terrorism/Supporting Terrorists
On March 18, 2004, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) issued a press release concerning condolences sent by CAIR, and other groups, to the Spanish Ambassador over the recent terrorist bombings in Spain.
In the press release, CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper had this to say:
"An apparent goal of the terrorists is to divide the world along religious and national lines, the most appropriate response to these vicious attacks is to strengthen and expand relations between people of all faiths and cultural origins."
CAIR, an organization that has seen several senior officers convicted on militant Islamist terrorism related charges, offers their condolences to the Spanish people? CAIR, which has issued statements in support of militant Islam, now offers apologies to the victims of militant Islamist terrorism? Is this some kind of sick joke?
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Quelle HONTE ! Les français crachent sur Lance Amstrong sur son passage! Si ces images du tour de France passent sur les chaînes américaines, çà va encore faire une bonne pub à la France !!!
Vous imaginez si le coureur était israëlien ???? Il serait carrément lynché par la foule (antisioniste mais pas antisémite bien sûr!!!)
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Ce qu'a dit le Senateur Republicain Sam Brownback (Kansas)lors de sa visite a la Knesset.
J'espere que tous les Juifs qui veulent encore voter pr Kerry vont se reveiller et que meme si on n'est pas forcement d'accord a 100% avec la politique de Bush, il reste malgre tout LE SEUL AMI SINCERE D'ISRAEL. Jamsi Israle n'a beneficie d'un tel soutien par les USA.
Et sans lui a la tete des USA, Israel aura les pires problemes et sera isole de plus en plus sur la scene internationale. Il va sans dire que pour nous Juifs, ca n'est pas dans notre interet!
From today's ARUTZ SHEVA newspaper...a pleasure to read this kind of news for a change.
"I thank you for bringing the message of God to a world that did not know Him,and for continuing to carry that message in the face of thousands of years of persecution, suffering and death. As a Christian, I thank you for my faith that is rooted in yours. And as a Christian, I deeply, deeply apologize for the pain and bloodshed and deafness to suffering that we have hoisted upon you and your ancestors. May this never, ever happen again!"
So said U.S. Senator Sam Brownback (R, Kansas) in the Knesset on Monday, addressing Knesset Members by invitation of the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus. Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Sharon met with the Senator, who, since his election in 1996, has been one of Israel's closest friends in the Senate. Sen. Brownback, 48, serves on the Senate's Appropriations Committee, Foreign Relations Committee, and the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee.
The Knesset Christian Allies Caucus was recently formed to increase communication and promote cooperation between Israel and Christians around the world. It provides Christian churches and organizations with formal and direct lines of communication with the Knesset. The 12 Knesset Members who comprise the Caucus come from six different parties in the Knesset: Likud, NRP, Labor,Shinui, National Union and Shas.
Among the issues raised by the Senator in his remarks were the dangers posed by U.S. military aid to Egypt - aid, he said, that should be totally cut off. He also spoke of the necessity of moving the American embassy to Jerusalem,
Israel's right of self-defense in the face of Palestinian terror, and the global war against terrorism.
Excerpts from Sen. Brownback's Knesset speech:
"You cannot know the honor this is for me to be here addressing you. Since my earliest memories growing up on a farm in Kansas in the heartland of America, I have read and studied and been taught about you, the people of Israel. I was raised and steeped in the Bible while growing up. Ancient Israel was, and is, a living reality in my home. Its spirituality, wisdom, poetry, its
majesty inspired and encouraged me all my life. You have helped form my soul and I thank you for it.
"The bedrock of support for Israel in America today is comprised of Christians, like myself, who were raised on the Bible, and who see in the Jews of Israel today the inheritors of the tradition of ancient Israel. I've had the
great joy of seeing modem Israel, the living spirit of its past. Israel's chain of history and its will to survive with purpose and meaning is a true miracle.
"I have been to Israel several times. The last time I was in Israel, I looked out the window of my hotel and saw the flag of Israel with the Star of David and the thought entered my mind, 'God does keep His promises!' That flag
which had been absent in this land for nearly 2,000 years was now flying again.
What an awesome God we serve...
"As a member of the United States Senate, my message to you today is to be encouraged. We are with you. We are with you as your allies in this war against terrorism. We are with you in the United Nations. We are with you as your friends as a wave of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic rhetoric is once again on
the rise...
"Our past and our present and our futures are intertwined together. So,in my parting, I pray for Israel. That in this season of ingathering you will be a blessing to all nations. That you will be a Holy Nation. A nation of the righteous leading the world in righteousness. It is your duty and destiny. And
when you do your duty, the rest of us will be blessed and able to do ours. Thank you and God bless you."
Vous pouvez remercier Senateur Brownback sous ce link:
http://brownback.senate.gov/CMEmailMe.htm link
Montrez votre appreciation...
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La Douda : ( Hak El Ouet International Tracking Station )
Le Ftileur : Revue de presse HebdRomadaire & BouleItik
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Meme Plantu se prend au jeu de l'info biaisee, mais personne n'est dupe ...
Il represente ci-dessous une famille juive tranquillement installee a Paris, en train de partager un diner tout en regardant des informations violentes en provenance du "Proche Orient".
Sciemment, il fait l'impasse sur l'antisemitisme rampant auquel les juifs de France sont dorenavant confrontes.
Ce n'est pas devant un bon repas qu'il fallait representer cette famille, mais reunie devant l'un des siens sur un lit d'hopital, ou en train de porter plainte dans le bureau d'un proviseur, ou d'un commissaire.
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Ce n'est pas de moi. Un commentaire parmi tant d'autres.
Moi, vois-tu, je suis tres fier de cet article, d'abord parce que
cela prouve que nous sommes des travailleurs intelligents qui
reussissent, car on a rien sans rien! Ensuite, je comprend mieux
pourquoi la France mene une campagne anti-israelienne: tu te rends
compte si tous ces Juifs decidaient de monter en Israel??? La France
perdrait d'un coup ses cerveaux et ses souffre-douleurs!!! Cette
idee la me plais beaucoup!!! Enfin, ne donnes pas tant d'importance
a ce texte, il a juste ecrit ce que tout le monde sait, et de toutes
facons, avec les ordinateurs, ils n'ont plus besoin des "voisins"
pour denoncer les Juifs, c'est 38-40 mais en plus moderne...
>Maurice Hayat - ISRAEL
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Pour rajouter sur la liste d'Emile, un texte dont les auteurs ne rasent pas les murs.
Il n'en est plus question d'ailleurs. 2000 ans où l'on fut malmené, selon le bon vouloir du seigneur des lieux C'EST FINI et qu'on se le dise. AM ISRAEL HAI et les nations verront et entendront. Ils n'arrivent plus à nous dompter, çà les rend fous furieux. JE RIGOLE
21.05.2004 00h00 -- Tension franco-israelienne autour d'une
visite d'Arik Sharon a Paris
Rectification par bubble
Nous apprenons que M. Chirac a declare qu'Arik Sharon n'est "pas le
bienvenu". Nous n'oublierons pas que des dictateurs sanguinaires
lesquels les Assad pere et fils, le tyran de la Chine qui occupe et
colonise le Tibet, n'ont pas eu droit a cet "honneur". M. Chirac
choisit ses
amis, et bien sur ce qui guide son choix ce sont les droits de
le droit international, et non la vente d'Airbus ou de TGV...
Malheureusement, la France de M. Chirac fait honte a la vrai France,
celle des
Lumieres et de la Resistance.
Nous profitons egalement de cet "editorial" pour repondre a tous les
Juifs de cour soit-disant representatifs des Juifs de France:
A ceux (comme Theo Klein) qui disent qu'Israel n'a pas a se meler
affaires internes francaises , nous repondons que les dirigeants
francais, juifs ou non, n'ont pas non plus a se meler des affaires
israeliennes ; neanmoins ils ne s'en privent pas...
A ceux (CRIF, UEJF) qui declarent que "les Juifs de France n'ont
demande" au gouvernement israelien, nous rappelons que Tsahal n'a
heureusement pas attendu d'etre appelee pour secourir les Juifs
lachement abandonnees aux terroristes arabes et allemands, par le
gouvernement francais a Entebbe en juillet 1976...
Ceux qui s'entetent a voir dans la Republique une protection face a
l'antisemitisme, nous les renvoyons a l'affaire Dreyfus et a Vichy
ce pas Mme Elizabeth Chemla?)...
A ceux qui appellent a ne pas provoquer d'animosite entre Juifs et
musulmans, nous mentionnons que Pascal Boniface n'a pas hesite a
vendre les
Juifs de France contre les voix musulmanes aux elections...
A ceux qui nient l'implication de l'Etat francais dans la vague
d'antisemitisme actuelle, nous soulignons la responsabilite
+fondamentale+ de
cet Etat, pompier-pyromane, qui, via ses agences de propagande comme
l'AFP, TV5 et France 2, propage la haine du Juif...
Que le peuple juif soit uni face a l'adversite,
Avec les benedictions de Tel Hai,
Shalom al Israel,
Nathan et Bubble
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ah elle est tres bonne celle-la et il fallait y penser!tres,tres sympa.
re-merci a La Douda
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Emile chalom,
Je me joins a toi pour tes benedictions, et j'ajouterais:
Israel c'est la Terre Promise.
Promise par Achem au peuple d'Israel.
Pourait-on douter un seul instant de la promesse de D...?
Bien sur que non.
Notre confiance en Achem est aveugle.
Sa promesse ne tardera pas a venir, meme si l'agnostique n'arette pas ses moqueries.
Comment ne pas voir que la promesse est en train de se realiser, ce desert qui est devenu un pays florissant, n'est-ce pas un autre miracle qu'Achem a fait?
Il suffit d'ouvrir les yeux pour le voir.
Chalom et brakha a tous les optimistes et meme a ceux qui le sont moins.
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Quelle merveille, depuis que Sharon avait fait son appel aux Juifs du monde et de France les harissiens de notre site ont réagi chacun à sa façon et avec une indépendance et une spontanéité dignes de l'âme juive, pour contrecarrer les abérrations et la malhonnêteté de la presse française et du gouvernement de Chirac.
J'ose citer les noms de ces quelques personnes qui ont montré à Chirac et à la France le courage du Juif d'aujourd'hui.(Haver, Michka, Djlachem, Meyer, Nao, Emma, Hajkloufette, Elie 5, Claudia, François, David Eden, Bazooka, Victoria) à tous je leur dis Bravo, et que Dieu vous bénisse. J'espère que vos écrits seront inclus dans l'histoire juive d'aujourd'hui. Je me souviens encore lorsque les Juifs n'avaient plus accès à l'école française parce qu'ils étaient juifs. En ce temps-là le Juif était sans défense.
Mais ce qui m'attriste encore plus aujourd'hui, c'est que la France a usé ce faux prétexte du dicours de Sharon comme diversion pour camoufler l'acte d'ignominie qui était d'encourager les européens à l'ONU à voter pour la résolution demandant à Israël d'obéir à la cour internationale au sujet de la barrière de sécurité.
Ce fait à lui seul équivaut à un coup de couteau dans le dos d'Israël et du peuple juif.