Rana Choir - Chad Gadya


Rana Choir - Chad Gadya


Lyrics & Music: Angelo Branduardi Hebrew version: Chava Alberstein Arabic translation: Yousef Asfor & Shireen Daniel Arrangement & Conducting: Mika Danny Keyboard: Idan Toledano | Frame Drum: Ori Dekel From The Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony. Tel Aviv, May 10th 2016 מקהלת הנשים הערבית-יהודית ראנה היא מקהלת יפואית שבה 20 נשים יהודיות, מוסלמיות ונוצריות. جوقة النساء العربية- اليهودية رانة هي جوقة يافية والتي تضم 20 امرأة يهودية, مسلمة ومسيحية. The Jewish Arab women’s choir Rana is a Jaffa based choir of twenty Muslim Jewish and Christian women. Had gadya

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