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Le kif c'est après un bon couscous fait avec amour de déguster les amandes fraiches et de rire aux éclats en digérant avec la tante ou le fils qui fait son sketche.
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Henri est a Djebel Ejloud ils avaient construit un four crematoir c'etait pour faire du pain?
C'est a cause d'eux que je suis en Amerique. Ils nous ont sauve la vie. Moi je n'oublie pas. Moi j'adore les Etats Unis avec tous les Bush et les buches.
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Primor : « Juifs de France, prenez votre indépendance vis-à-vis d’Israël »
Avi Primor, ancien ambassadeur d’Israël à Bruxelles, auprès de l’UE, et en Allemagne, soutient les accords de Genève et multiplie les rencontres avec les Palestiniens. Interrogé par Marianne, il indique que : « A l’heure actuelle, la Diaspora ne cherche pas à influencer le conflit. Elle essaie de suivre la politique officielle des gouvernements élus en Israël. Elle s’interdit d’avoir une ligne de pensée indépendante. Par conséquent, lorsque les décideurs en Israël réfléchissent aux données de la politique, l’opinion de la Diaspora ne compte pas.
Se battre pour la paix israélo-palestinienne, c’est aussi se battre contre l’antisémitisme (Marianne)
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Aux américanophobes de tout poil: (suite)
Pas seulement en Normandie!!!!
S'ils n'etaient pas arrives aussi en Tunisie et liberes mon pere ainsi que d'autres "travaileurs forces", nous ne serions pas la aujourdh'ui, car les Americains nous ont sauve de l'extermination programee et deja effectuee de l'autre cote de la mediteranee.
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Aux américanophobes de tout poil: Fume, c'est du Sardou!
Les Ricains
Michel Sardou
Paroles : Michel Sardou
Musique : Guy Magenta
Année : 1967
Si les Ricains n'étaient pas là
Vous seriez tous en Germanie
A parler de je ne sais quoi,
A saluer je ne sais qui.
Bien sûr les années ont passé.
Les fusils ont changé de mains.
Est-ce une raison pour oublier
Qu'un jour on en a eu besoin ?
Un gars venu de Géorgie
Qui se foutait pas mal de toi
Est v'nu mourir en Normandie,
Un matin où tu n'y étais pas.
Bien sûr les années ont passé.
On est devenus des copains.
A l'amicale du fusillé,
On dit qu'ils sont tombés pour rien.
Si les Ricains n'étaient pas là
Vous seriez tous en Germanie
A parler de je ne sais quoi,
A saluer je ne sais qui.
[Merci à Yigal Palmor de ce rappel !]
Mis en ligne le 07 juin 2004 sur le site _http://www.upjf.org_
(http://www.upjf.org/) .
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Slim les fallafels n'existent pas en Afrique du Nord, ils existent qu'au Moyen Orient. C'est la nourriture la moins chere. Des boulettes fritent et composees de poichiche moulu. En Tunisie on fait du Mergaz, de la Kefta ou sanwich Tunisien.
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Madonna se choisit le prénom d'Esther en tant que fidèle de la kabbale
Ne l'appelez Louise Veronica mais Esther: c'est le prénom juif que Madonna s'est choisie en tant que fidèle de la kabbale ou quête mystique mosaïque donnant une interprétation de l'Ancien Testament.
"J'ai reçu le prénom de ma mère. Ma mère est morte quand j'étais très jeune, du cancer (...) Et je voulais m'attacher à un autre prénom", déclare la chanteuse dans une interview qui sera diffusée ce vendredi soir sur la chaîne américaine ABC. "Ce choix n'est pas la négation de ce qu'est ma mère (...) Je voulais profiter de l'énergie d'un prénom différent".
Au cours de cette interview Madonna a montré le petit bracelet rouge comme signe d'appartenance à la kabbale et qu'elle porte à son poignet mais dissimulé sous sa montre. Elle se dit profondément choquée par les critiques qui laissent entendre que son intérêt pour la mystique juive n'est rien d'autre qu'une mode.
"Je suis assez irritée que les gens pensent qu'il y a une espèce de train de célébrités dans lequel j'ai sauté ou encore Demi Moore", souligne la chanteuse âgée de 45 ans avant d'ajouter: "Nous ne prenons pas cela à la légère". AP
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Tunisian falafel??? C'est quoi ca? Pendant mes 19 ans la bas, je n'ai jamais entendu le mot, ni vu de loin ou de pres Un Falafel Tunisien. Peut-etre voulaient-ils dire, Felfel:-)
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La fête de la musique ! Lundi 21 juin !
A l’occasion de la fête de la musique !
Participation de la Grande Chorale des Amis de la CCE et Grand programme de musique Klezmer lundi 21 juin devant le café théâtre de la vieille grille, 1 rue du puits de l’Ermite 75005 paris (près de la place Monge) à 20h
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La Douda : ( Hak El Ouet International Tracking Station )
Selon l’ Email : Comment se fait-il que nous soyons obligés de parler anglais ?
Pratiquement plus personne ne parle l’Anglais : ( De Source Sure ! ), car pour parler l’Anglais il vaut mieux être Anglais ! Car la plupart de ceux qui prétendent parler l’Anglais, ne font que s’exprimer dans un charabia international, qui ressemble à de l‘Anglais, qui imite l’Anglais, mais qui n’est pas de l’Anglais, Zama Canada Dry !
Ou alors si c’est ça de l’Anglais, c’est de l’Anglais pour les ZouLous !
Wnessou El Douda
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La Douda : ( Hak El Ouet International Tracking Station )
Conclusion, le "combat" contre l'antisémitisme à la sauce PS, c'est des slogans et des postures avec derrière (!!!!!),... ... ... François Medioni
La sauce FN serait-elle préférable ?
Wnessou El Douda
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New Torah Celebration in Gush Katif - All invited - See
Hebron/Arutz7-INN Commentary
We Will Not Be Sheep Led to Slaughter
by David Wilder
The Jewish Community of Hebron
June 20, 2004
Any time the word violence pops up, especially in the
context of ‘right wing’ activists, ‘condemnation’ is an
automatic byproduct. So it was late last week when Uri
Elitzur, editor of the Israeli monthly magazine Nikuda,
legitimized limited violence against anyone attempting
to expel people from their homes in Yesha.
In an interview printed in Arutz 7’s weekly newspaper,
B’Sheva, Elitzur said, “Uprooting a community is illegal
and shocking, and therefore it is justified [for a soldier]
to refuse orders to do so, and [for a resident to use]
violence and any other means by which to defend his
home from which he is being expelled for political
reasons. I recommend refusing orders, since they are
illegal; whoever fulfills these orders will be brought to
trial... In my opinion, any use of force, except for live
weapons, is legitimate in such a case. After the fact,
even someone who injures those who come to expel
him - I would accept his behavior with understanding.”
Elitzur is not your run-of-the-mill militant. He was Prime
Minister Bibi Netanyahu’s Chief of Staff for almost a
year and a half, in essence, supporting Netanyahu
following his abandonment of Hebron and during the
Wye fiasco. He was, at that time, branded ‘traitor’ and
other such pleasant invectives..
Following such explosive remarks, it comes as no
surprise that the Israeli left demands Elitzur’s arrest,
indictment and conviction for ‘inciting violence.’
President Moshe Katzav, a one-time rightist himself,
also found it proper to condemn Elitzur’s comments.
That too is no great shock. However, that fact that
Yesha Council chairman Bentzi Lieberman also
jumped on the bandwagon is a bit disconcerting, to say
the least. Lieberman rejected appeals to soldiers to
refuse obeying orders in the case of community
expulsions and reiterated opposition to ‘any form of
violence, physical or verbal, against soldiers’ evicting
families from their homes.
Many people, in Israel and around the world,
mistakenly believe that the Yesha Council ‘represents’
everyone in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. They do not!
The Yesha Council is composed of mayors and heads
of councils of Yesha communities. These people are
elected by their respective constituent communities to
provide services rendered by a town council or
municipality. Such services include education,
sanitation, limited security needs, road safety, and the
like. They are not elected to represent political
ideologies of their constituents, not individually, and
certainly not as a whole. These people are dependent
upon governmental funding to keep their communities
fiscally alive. They need to cooperate with the offices of
the various ministries, such as education, heath,
welfare, etc. in order to received monies vital to their
community’s wellbeing. Following the dismantling of
the ministry of religious affairs, the person responsible
for such services is none other than… the Prime
Minister himself.
In other words, if these people, as good as they are, as
sincere as they are, as idealistic as they are, too
vehemently oppose government policies, they are
effectively cutting off the branches on which they perch.
So it comes as no surprise that Bentzi Lieberman,
mayor of the Shomron Regional Council, opposes ‘any
violence’ and repudiates demands for soldiers to refuse
to obey orders. Were he to agree to these ideas, even
tacitly, he would ‘lose face’ with those ‘important
people’ necessary to budget his constituent’s needs
and even meet with him and his friends on a fairly
regular basis, such as the defense minister and the
prime minister himself.
It should also be noted that many of these council
heads have long-established personal relationships
with Israel’s top brass. For instance, a well-known,
influential Yesha leader, known to be very close to Ariel
Sharon, invited Sharon’s son Omri to join him this year
at his Purim table. How could a top-ranking Yesha
leader, who is supposed to be in the forefront of the
battle to stop Ariel Sharon’s madness, drink wine and
make merry with one of the people thought to be most
responsible for Sharon’s betrayal of Eretz Yisrael?
In other words, the Yesha Council does not, under any
circumstances, represent Yesha’s citizens. They were
not elected to do so, and their statements do not
necessarily characterize Yesha community resident’s
That must be understood.
Getting to the heart of the matter, none of us favor
violence. None of us believe in randomly striking
anyone, shooting anyone, etc. Such behavior is illegal,
immoral and unethical. However, it is just as illegal,
immoral and unethical to evict people from their homes
and from their land. It is even more illegal, immoral and
unethical to not only abandon that land, but to ‘transfer’
it to blood-sworn enemies, who have vowed to continue
killing Jews until ‘the occupation is ended.’
‘Occupation,’ in their lexicon, meaning not only Hebron
and Beit El, but also Tel Aviv and Haifa.
It is also illegal, immoral and unethical for an elected
leader to totally and unequivocally reverse essential
positions which formed the basis of his election. It is
also illegal, immoral and unethical for a leader to
ignore and overlook a ‘binding referendum,’ which
clearly rejected his stated, reversed policy.
However, it is legal, moral and ethical to defend one’s
self, one’s family, one’s property, one's land. Anyone
arriving to expel men, women and children from their
homes must be willing to accept the consequences of
their actions. People will not sit quietly by, as sheep
being led to slaughter.
According to latest reports, Sharon and his team of
gangsters are again bypassing supposedly ‘accepted
decisions.’ It is now reported that the attempted forced
expulsion from Gush Katif will be concluded by the end
of 2004, and not in September, 2005 as first expected.
Sharon is getting worried that the right, in conjunction
with own Likud party, will find a way to prevent the
catastrophe, so he’s planning on finishing it fast, before
we can get too organized. Sharon is playing dirty,
against the rules, while forcing us to ‘keep our hands
I repeat (if I don’t, I also will find myself in jail), nobody
likes violence. Nobody wants violence. Especially
against our own brethren. But it’s time to wake up. The
reality is, if Sharon insists on trying to implement his
‘Jewish transfer’ from our homes and land, it’s going to
happen. Like it or not. And afterwards, when the
Committee of Inquiry sits in judgment, ready to point its
finger at the ‘guilty party,’ let it be known now, well in
advance, where the responsibility lies - just past the
door to that office, in that big chair behind the big desk,
directly with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.
With blessings from Hebron.
The Sefer Torah Recycling
Hachnasat Sefer Torah Party
Yishuv Shi-rat HaYam, Gush Katif; Announcement &
Transportation Arrangements.
The Sefer Torah Recycling Network invites everyone to
a gala Hachnasat Sefer Torah Party on 1 July, 2004 at
6:30 PM starting in Neve Dekalim and making it's way
to Yishuv Shi-rat HaYam in Gush Katif, subject to
security arrangements. The celebration will IY'H begin
in Neve Dekalim with residents dancing with the Sefer
Torah along the road from Neve Dekalim to the
entrance to Shi-rat HaYam, arriving atYishuv Shi-rat
HaYam at about 7 PM where the main festivities will
take place.
Autobus transportation, via reinforced, protected buses,
will be leaving from Jacobs Pharmacy, located at
Nachal Dolev #82 in Ramat Beit Shemesh "Aleph" with
passengers boarding the buses at 4:15 PM and the
buses leaving Promptly at 4:30 PM and going on to
Gush Katif with ETA (estimated time of arrival) slated at
close to 6:30 PM.
From Jerusalem, Autobus transportation via a
reinforced, protected bus with passengers boarding the
bus at 4:15 PM and leaving from Binyanei Ha'Uma
Promptly at 4:30 PM and going on toGush Katif with
ETA (estimated time of arrival) slated at close to 6:30
Transportation will be leaving Yishuv Shi-rat HaYam
between 8:30 and 9:00 PM for return to both Ramat
Beit Shemesh and Binyanei Ha'Uma in Jerusalem.
The cost per person will be 25 NIS for the roundtrip.
Following the dancing and ceremonial placement of the
Sefer Torah in the Aron in the Beit Knesset, there will
be a Seudas Mitzvah featuring speeches by Gush Katif
Chief Rabbi, Rav Yigal Kaminetsky, Sh'lita, as well as
Rabbanim from Ramat Beit Shemesh, Moshe Burt,
representatives of the local Mo'etza and others.
Please notify Moshe Burt
or #011-972-54-7305497 of your intention to join us.
Background on the Sefer Torah and it's Donor;
Near the end of April, I was introduced to Mr. Mendel
Stein who lives in Har Nof and who was interested in
donating a Sefer Torah to a needy location.
Mr. Stein is 82 years old and is a resident of Har Nof.
He and his wife made Aliyah 10 years ago, having lived
in Brooklyn. Before making Aliyah, he set out to find
donors of Sifrei Torah to bring over and came to Israel
with 7 Sifrei Torah. Coincidently, 10 years ago I
founded The Sefer Torah Recycling Network. It's a
shame that we didn't know each other then.
Over the past 10 years, although neither of us knew of
the other, both Mr. Stein and I have seperately seen to
placing or facilitating placement of a number of Sifrei
Torah in needy locations in Israel. The Sefer Torah
Recycling Network has facilitated placement of 6
S'forim to date and the Sefer Torah which Mr. Stein is
donating which will be placed in Shi-rat HaYam will be
my 7th.
Previous to this Sefer Torah for Shi-rat HaYam, the
most recent Sefer facilitated by The Sefer Torah
Recycling Network was placed in Givat Nof Harim
(Yishuv Eli) just before this past Pesach. At that time, a
group of Ramat Beit Shemesh residents accompanied
the Sefer Torah to Givat Nof Harim on a chartered bus.
Mr. Stein knows nothing of the history of the Sefer
Torah or it's age. My Sofer, Rabbi Moshe Sandowski
estimates that the Sefer is between 40-50 years old.
The Sefer is written in S'fardi Vulise K'sav.
On 28 April, 2004, Mr. Stein transferred the Sefer Torah
to me. On 2 May, 2004, I received word from my Sofer
that the repairs to the Sefer Torah had commenced.
About Yishuv Shi-rat HaYam;
The community in Shi-rat HaYam is comprised of 15
families, mainly young newly-married couples in their
mid-20's. Most of the men learn each day in the
twoYeshivot located in Neve Dekalim.
On Friday, 28 May, 2004, I set out to spend Shabbos in
Yishuv Shi-rat HaYam.. Upon my arrival in the early
afternoon, I went to the beach and went into the sea up
to my thighs. Afterwards, I found a shady place and a
couch in back of one of their caravans. There I sat and
learned, relaxed and watched the tide roll in until later
in the afternoon.
Tefillah on Friday night was most spirited, spiritual and
enjoyable. During the Shabbos meals, my hosts were
very warm and hospitable and I believe that our being
together over Shabbos was very meaningful to all.
The residents gave me some history of the Site where
Shi-rat HaYam is situated and how they came to make
their homes there.
The Shi-rat HaYam site was, prior to the 6 Day War,
summer vacation offices for the Egyptian Army. As a
result, there are a number of building shells which
remain standing until today. The Yishuv would like to
develop and renovate them into permanent dwellings
and other infrastructure rather than living and praying in
Caravanim. However, the government doesn't approve
of such renovations.
Young single people started coming and staying at the
Shi-rat HaYam site a few years ago as a response to
the terrorist attack which crippled the Cohen family
children, as well as other such attacks. I'm not sure at
what point Caravanim where brought there for these
young people to love.
Eventually, as many of the singles become married,
they settled in the Caravanim in Shi-rat HaYam. Many
of the couples now have children.
The community often has guests for Shabbos and a
wonderful time was had by all.
The Jewish Community of Hebron
POB 105 , Kiryat Arba-Hebron 90100
Tour Hebron: Tel 972-64-371257 or
write: simcha@hebron.org.il
The Hebron Fund
1760 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11230
Web: www.hebron.org.il Ma'arat HaMachpela:
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Culture PUB..