Re: La Section de la Poesie
28 avril 2010, 20:38
Freedom and Change

Men are driven to nowhere in the name of freedom and change

Man is a slave to his weakness.
He does not recognize when evil is consuming him
And, instead of getting rid of it,
He allows himself to be destroyed.

Men are driven to nowhere in the name of a slogan
Such as change, freedom, independence –
All kinds of funny words -
Words that please our ears and our hearts.

We love words which do in fact not mean anything
We do not always understand the words which reach us
From a talented speaker or politician
Coming from a microphone

With intonation and theatrical allure,
Like freedom, healthcare, equality, liberty, work place etc,
For which people are ready to give up their vote
And later maybe their faith and their lives.

No one asked for the real meaning of those words –
"Freedom" “Change” etc.
No one asked what kind of change they promise us.
What freedom can we see in the chains of our pride and hostility?
The freedom to be hungry and feel miserable?

Why talk about freedom from our chains.
Men are prisoners of their anatomy and deficiencies,
Of their traditions, of the education they have received
And of the society in which they live.

It is senseless to die for freedom without the real meaning of this word,
Actually, we must live for it. Let us rejoice in freedom,
But more so in a freedom of the mind and the freedom of the spirit.
This is a positive strength that helps us in our professional,
Social and personal environments.

And it is thanks to this strength that we achieve freedom - and attain love.
It is far easier to love one's neighbor than to fight him.

Copyright 2008 Emile Tubiana
Re: La Section de la Poesie
02 mai 2010, 13:44
In my family, in order to avoid hurting the feelings of anyone, they taught us to speak with proverbs, to characterize any situation.

From My Family Heritage

Those who with arrogance and pride will leap
will never be wise or get very deep

Those who want to clean their veins
should get rid of their pains

Poverty teaches us endurance and patience
While circumstances lead to celebrations

Those who want to eat the others' bread
Their seeds in all directions should spread

Copyright 2009 Emile Tubiana
Re: La Section de la Poesie
02 mai 2010, 13:48
About the meaning of Destiny

My Destiny

You guide me steadily, to my land
Be it with a hard, or with a soft hand

Sometimes through prolonged sufferance
Sometimes through utter indifference

But you are my best, and my preference
I always resort to you for reference.

I know my loving prayer is not in vain
Where others are struggling with pain

There are times I should seek solitude
To feel my vivid soul like during childhood

Clear and fresh like the air in spring
My soul lightens my heart like a wing.

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana
Re: La Section de la Poesie
02 mai 2010, 13:51
Our contribution to society

Love Your Neighbor Like Yourself

Every human being can get upset or angry.
Some situations can create such disposition.
Some have a long fuse, others a shorter one.
We have to consider our fellow men’s sensitivity.
We should not jump if someone upsets us,
Contradicts us, does not listen to us,
Reacts nervously, or misunderstands us.
One should think of unknown factors
Sickness, fatigue, or unusual stress.
A human being is sensitive like a violin.
Every word spoken or written affects us,
Creating a positive or negative vibration.
If someone gets angry don’t be upset.
Wait a moment until you know why
Any bad reaction could create problems
Which normally could have been avoided.
Be wise and wait calmly, and let the mood settle,
So you can then drink the water clear and clean.
This I call “Love your neighbor like yourself”.
Re: La Section de la Poesie
02 mai 2010, 14:05
Truth is closer than we think but it takes time and life's experience to discover it. Blessed are those who find it.


In life we want to discover the truth,
We find some elements of it since our youth
We hope to always be on the right track
And are aware of this as we look back

Different signs opened our eyes
Others made us see the human lies
Or introduced us to the secrets of life
Like the love between man and wife

They say we can gradually discover
Ourselves, as our path we uncover
If we cultivate in us the spark of light
We will see it in the middle of the night

But we need to have some security
In order to survive with our purity
And not to lose the faith and our way
As our ancestors hinted every day

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana
Re: La Section de la Poesie
20 juillet 2010, 09:57
Be Calm and Wise

Every human being can once in a while
Get upset or even angry without a smile
There are situations which create a malaise
Some have a long fuse and some get ablaze

When we deal with human frustration,
We have to take this into consideration
For misunderstandings, illness or unknown factors
We should not jump to conclusions as fast reactors

If a friend gets nervous and acts in a strange way
First wait, don’t rush to act, rather think and pray
He could be tired or have a fatigue within
As a human being, he is like a fine violin.

Humans are affected by every word, written or said
In a positive or negative way, they will embrace or dread
Wait and try to understand what created his mood.
Any harsh reaction is quite unnecessary and rude.

This is about unpleasant situations, which normally could have been avoided.
Conclusion: be wise and wait calmly, and let the water settle, so you can drink it clean.

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana
Re: La Section de la Poesie
20 juillet 2010, 10:11
Remembering our parents' and elders' advice

My Elders’ Advice

Sometimes we err without substance
Your words from afar are our guidance
As your good advice is our best cure
By being calm, loving, innocent and pure

Sure, on our path there are some storms
Staying firm we will keep our norms
We struggle, not knowing how to cope
Your advice is, we should not lose hope

Every period brings us other knowledge
Listening to our parents is like going to college
When we’re getting older no one sees our age
We should be smart to find the exit of our cage

Not to miss the time to right the wrong
Particularly when we think we are strong
If we keep our faith and don’t start guessing
With a pure heart, we will get the blessing

You are our best examples and elders
You are our lives’ advisers and welders
As you knew how to teach us to fish
Receive our blessing and our best wish

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana
Re: La Section de la Poesie
20 juillet 2010, 13:36
Ecrite à la mémoire d'Eliza, l'artiste qui avait peint le tableau des bulles.

Crée tes petits mondes

Tu es si douce et si pure
Ton enfance jaillit de gloire
Mais rien ne te semble dur
De souffler le jour et le soir

Tes arbres en feuilles d=or
Tes oiseaux qui volent vers toi
Ajoutent à ton charme un décor
De gaieté, d=innocence et de joie

Sais-tu ce que tu fais?
Toi petite fille
Avec ton regard de fée
Sincère et gentil

Fais des bulles, fais des boules
Toi petite blonde
Dans la forêt loin des foules
Crée tes petits mondes

Copyright 2007 Emile Tubiana

French poem dedicated to a teen-age painter. Create Your Little Worlds

The original poem was written by the author in French. He then translated it into English, in memory of a teenage girl named Eliza, who created this lovely painting.
She lost her life at the age of 15 in Paris, in an accident.

Create Your Little Worlds

You are so sweet and so pure
Your childhood is bursting with glory
But nothing seems to be hard for you
Blowing day and eve.

Your trees with golden leaves
Your birds, which fly towards you
Add to your charm a setting
Of joy, of innocence, and of happiness.

Do you know what you are doing?
You little girl
With the look of a fairy,
Honest and gentle

Make bubbles, make balls
You little girl, in silence
In the woods, far from the crowds
Create your little worlds.

Copyright 2007 Emile Tubiana

Pièces jointes:
Re: La Section de la Poesie
21 juillet 2010, 12:37
J'adore Emile ce vert et ce bleu ce jaune canari et cette petite fille si pure si innocente.Et ces BULLES....Mamamia...! Continue ye lââziz, je te lis même si je ne comprends rien de l'anglais.
Re: La Section de la Poesie
21 juillet 2010, 13:10
A Breitou, Je suis d'accord avec toi sur ce sujet. J'ai acheté ce tableau de cette gentille fille, il ya de ca plus que quarante ans. Ce n'est qu'en étant aux Etats Unis que mes amis m'avaient par hasard informé de sa mort. Ce n’ai qu’alors que j'ai composé la poésie en ayant devant moi sa peinture. Merci pour ton aimable geste, pas de rancune de ma part, Eli Fat Mat. Amicalement Emile
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