Jewish doctor buys a fabulous home in Beverly Hills and brings in a
local workman to decorate the place. When he's finished, the homeowner
is delighted, but suddenly realizes that he's forgotten to put mezuzahs
on the doors. So he goes out and buys 50 mezuzahs and asks the guy to
place them just as he shows him on the right hand side of each door in
the house except the bathrooms and kitchens.

He's worried that the laborer will chip the paint or won't put them up
correctly, but when he comes back a few hours later he sees that there
are 50 slanted mezuzahs all perfectly placed on the doors. He's so
pleased that he gives the man an extra $100.
As the guy is walking out of the door he says, "Hey doc, glad you're
happy with the job. Oh, by the way, I took out the warranties in the
all those little boxes and left them on the table for you
hahahahaha je mets à jour mes lectures ...mais ce brave homme est quitte pour replacer tout ca !

Il aurait dû savoir qu'une mezouza doit être placée par le chef de famille (ou un homme de foi) avec prières à l'appui !
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