La Section de la Poesie
13 avril 2010, 21:14

As I See It

The intellect is a good tool,
It should not make of us a fool
It is adapted to life on earth
And should be taken at its worth

If we let our intellect wander
The risk is, it will get us under
And make us lose our feeling,
The link to the source of healing

We should control our intellect
and learn what we should select
Remembrance leads us to our goal
Awaken our being, and our sleeping soul

We can feel our life's source
By letting our yearning take its course
Touching the ocean of love and joy.
Deep in ourselves it may deploy

Only experience can form our soul
Suffering and wellbeing tell us all
Not everyone will be revealing
Their deepest faith and feeling
Re: La Section de la Poesie
13 avril 2010, 21:21

A tous les êtres bien aimés

Ne soyez pas désespérés
Attendez la venue de nos aînés
Ils nous apportent leurs meilleurs voeux
De leur place au cœur des cieux

Nous sommes parfois induits en erreur
De croire plus au mal qu'au bonheur,
Même si la vie nous parait dure
Nous restons innocents et purs

Il y a sûrement des tempêtes
Qui nous surprennent en pleine fête,
Mais il ne faut pas perdre espoir ni courage.
Surtout lorsqu'on atteint un certain âge

J'ai hérité ce dicton de mon père:
Après l'obscurité vient la lumière.
Attendre patiemment la fin de la nuit
Pour cueillir les fleurs et les fruits.

Chaque période nous apporte ses trésors
Qui nous permettent de supporter notre sort
Je vous souhaite un bon renouveau
A vous tous, qu’il soit agréable et beau.
Re: La Section de la Poesie
13 avril 2010, 21:22


Si tu veux être heureux
Laisse le Dieu des aïeux
Fais à toi-même un aveu
Qui reflète ce que tu veux

Tu ne seras plus malheureux
Car dans ton coeur naîtra ton Dieu
Chaque nouveau jour sera béni
En plein soleil et dans la nuit

Avance et ne regarde pas le noir
Car il sera bientôt des mémoires
Pour les poésies et les belles histoires
Afin que ton futur sera rempli de gloire.

Bénis les êtres et leur descendance
Évite la science, les apparences
Et ceux qui n’inspirent pas confiance
Seul le destin peut préparer ta chance.

Ta chance et ton bonheur dépendent
De toi-même, de ton amour et de ta foi
De tes action, ta volonté et de ta joie,
Garde les éveillés comme une offrande.
Re: La Section de la Poesie
14 avril 2010, 12:29


On le croyait absent
Le vieux lion des plaines.

On le pensait reclus
Le bon sage pensant.

On a cru le voir là bas
Fuyant le grand champ.
Ignorant nos tristes prés
Alors qu’il était aux aguets.

Et puis un jour sa voix fraiche,
S’est fait entendre,
Elle qui n’était pas en friche
Pour dénoncer le jeune lionceau
Fougueux aux pouvoirs immenses.

Il se dit ami, ami de qui…L’élu ?
L’élu de qui es tu l’ami… ?
Du peuple de la bible… ?
Ou de ses ennemis … ?

Qui attendent patiemment
Le faux pas de l’ELU qui ne viendra pas.

Avec ou sans toi, il vivra
Aussi longtemps que le ciel vit
Et qu’au firmament son étoile brille.
Par-dessus les têtes de ces ennemis.

Re: La Section de la Poesie
14 avril 2010, 12:58

D’Isabelle la Catho,
L’Espagne et son reste,
A fait de leur mise à mort
Son magot funeste.

Au dessus des foyers,
Sur des buchers,
Sur des tréteaux
Brulés ou pendus
Croyant s’en être assouvie,
Elle a cru s’en défaire.
L’Espagne glorieuse a converti
Ses juifs bien pensants.

La vie chrétienne
Ou la mort certaine...?

De la belle Russie,
Les cosaques aussi,
Courageux barbares qui
Par le glaive d’acier ont tranché
Cous et têtes à la volée.

La France s’est avilie.

L’Allemagne a succombé
A la tentation de nous décimer.

Notre mémoire n’a pas d’âge.
Elle ne vieillira pas.

Que de douleurs et souffrances
Notre histoire, traine t’elle.
Comme notre histoire de sang
S’est abreuvée depuis longtemps.

De la Perse, nous vient la voix
De la mort. Un Aman sans foi,
Cent fois prédit selon sa loi
Des édits verbaux comme chien aux abois.
Contre lui.

Expressions of Life -- Poesie
27 avril 2010, 10:57
Expressions of Life

We are amazed when we see man’s creation
Are we wondering when we see nature's?
Thinking of nature and ourselves, we may find
The meaning of life and its beauty.

During childhood we feel without thinking,
Without understanding what happens to us.
When we think we understood life,
We realize that we didn’t understand a thing..

When we see something completely new,
Do we know that it is just a tiny portion of life?
Like the breeze, which we feel without seeing it;
The music, we hear, without seeing its waves.

We feel the love, the sadness and the pain,
Which penetrate us for no apparent reason.
Not knowing their substance, meaning, or sources.
All these are the real expressions of life,

Which we perceive through our feelings.
Some discover their meaning and what they hold
Others are completely indifferent to them.
Is this why we don’t understand each other?

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana
Re: Expressions of Life -- Poesie
27 avril 2010, 11:00

We are born with a tear
We start Life with pain and fear
The shock we get at birth
Makes us think if it is worth

Being pushed left and right
Confronting our first day light
Breathing for the first time, air
Fighting the fear who will dare?

When we first came here
We didn’t know about fear
Watching, feeling, not one word
Screaming, crying to get heard

Using patience without end
We sometimes have to pretend
Not knowing how to speak
We could only wait and peek

As a baby we can’t fight our fear
We have to accept what we hear
Parents are saying, they will grow
Their pain will soon have to go

Later they will learn to be free
Master their fears, not flee
Once they realize who they are
Their will see how they came so far

Knowing to dive and mastering this art
They find themselves deep in their heart
Human beings always strive
To survive and to find Life.

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana
Re: Expressions of Life -- Poesie
27 avril 2010, 11:01
Peace and Tolerance

We believe that with love and tolerance
In the right direction we should advance
With all what in this life we do,
In spite of the tension we go through,
With all the criticism and the fight,
We should never lose sight,
That after darkness comes the light
And that the human race will unite
Will have to amalgamate
As this is the human fate.

This way we will be born anew
But ready are always a few
The goal is still very far
From the place where we are
Some signs can be seen
If we can carefully glean
They are reassuring,
Our faith is enduring
This is our motto today
Tomorrow it is our way

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana
Re: La Section de la Poesie
27 avril 2010, 15:36
Exploring the World of Children.

Our space ships went to the moon
We may explore another planet soon
But a fact remains, we'll discover Mars
And are far from discovering our hearts

Everyone can explore the children’s world,
Theirs is not as remote as we thought
We have to forget that we are adults
If we want to get some results

But one condition: we have to be children again
In their world, there are no dispute, no complain
It’s easier as, there’s no need for perfection
For money, for education, for baggage or connection

So simple: we have to think plainly, it’s never late
To free ourselves from all the burden and weight
We must be true and honest to ourselves
And revisit what’s on our shelves

There is no hierarchy in childhood roles
Being part of the game is one of the goals

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana
Re: La Section de la Poesie
27 avril 2010, 17:51
Exploring the World of Children.

Our space ships went to the moon
We may explore another planet soon
But a fact remains, we'll discover Mars
And are far from discovering our hearts

Everyone can explore the children’s world,
Theirs is not as remote as we thought
We have to forget that we are adults
If we want to get some results

But one condition: we have to be children again
In their world, there are no dispute, no complaint
It’s easier, as there’s no need for perfection
For money, for education, for baggage or connection

So simple: we have to think plainly, it’s never late
To free ourselves from all the burden and weight
We must be true and honest to ourselves
And revisit what’s on our shelves

There is no hierarchy in childhood roles
Being part of the game is one of the goals

Copyright 2010 Emile Tubiana
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