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Atoning for the Middle East Tragedy
After the Death of 3 Israeli Soldiers
By Rabbi Michael Lerner
My son served in the Israeli Army in the West Bank, so for me the barbarous killings of
two soldiers by a lynch mob in Ramallah made me feel the same anger that must have led
Israeli Prime Minister Barak to bomb Palestinian leader Arafats compound in
retaliation and to escalate the war against the Palestinians. Yet I can also understand
that to those Palestinians these two boys killed were just members of the occupying army,
the army that had been brutally killing over 80 Palestinians and wounding more than 2000
civilians in the past weekÄîand might have seemed indistinguishable from the
Jewish mobs that attacked random Arab Israelis in Nazareth a few days ago, beating and
burning. For every outrage on one side there is a story of outrage on the other.
And yet, in my synagogue on Yom Kippur we atoned for our side of the story for Jewish
violence. Our atonement was not an attempt to claim that Israel holds all the
responsibility. I believe that Palestinians ought to adopt a nonviolent pose and reject
any leader that advocates violence because I believe that violence is always wrong no
matter how noble the purpose and because in the context of the current struggle it had the
predicted effect of destroying rather than enhancing the chances for peace (an outcome
sought by extremists on both sidesÄîremember that it was Arafat's Palestinian
police that tried to use force to restrain the angry crowd that was attacking Israeli
soldiers, knowing full well that that attack would
undermine peace the Palestinian Authority was doing its feeble best to revive).
Palestinian violence is both immoral and irrational.
Yet the preponderance of responsibility lies with Israel and with an international media
that continue to obscure the basic realities facing the Palestinian people, and continue
to treat the death of Israeli soldiers enforcing a brutal occupation as somehow more
outrageous and barbarous than the killing of (many times as many) Palestinian teenagers
who were resisting the occupation. To me, Israeli deaths are a personal tragedy. But have
we not yet learned that in GodÄôs eyes every human being is equally treasured?
The way we talk that discounts the huge amount of Palestinians killed and wounded
reinforces the desperation that led to the current tragic moment.
But, you might ask, didnÄôt Arafat irrationally reject a wonderful peace accord
being offered him by Barak? IsnÄôt this current outbreak just more of the same
irrational hatred that always leads Palestinians to reject a generous peace being offered
by Israeli?
The reality is quite different. Since taking office, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak has
expanded existing settlements, built new roads into the West Bank and made it clear at
Camp David that he would insist on keeping the vast majority of settlers in place. The
state Palestinians would then be offered would have within it a group of Israeli
nationalistic fanatics, many of whom moved to the West Bank precisely to ensure that there
would never be a Palestinian state.
The resulting scenario is obvious: The settlers would continue their long history of
violent attacks against Palestinians, and when the Palestinian state tried to impose law
and order, the settlers would demand protection from the Israeli army, which would use the
new roads to send in tanks and heavy artillery just as it has done in the past week.
The Israeli roads and settlements turn the claim of offering the Palestinians 90% of the
land into a cruel hoax. With the Israeli military patrolling those roads that crisscross
the Palestinian state, Palestinians would face humiliating searches and would not be able
to move freely. Imagine someone offering you a house in which you were going to have large
rooms (90% of the space) but they were in charge of the hallways between the rooms. You
would quickly realize that your freedom to be ''at home'' was remarkably compromised. For
a people who have endured 33 years of military occupation, complete with a long history of
documented torture, house demolitions and harassment, this doesn't sound like such a great
Nor are Palestinian demands for control over the Temple Mount and the adjacent sections of
East Jerusalem irrational. Muslims from the occupied territories have frequently been
prevented from coming to the Temple Mount when Israel proclaims ''security closings'' of
the border. Israelis who were rightly outraged at being denied access to the Western Wall
when Jerusalem was under Jordanian (not Palestinian) rule from 1948 to 1967 have
effectively imposed similar conditions on the 1 million Muslims in Gaza.
At the same time, many religious authorities ban Jews from walking on the Temple Mount
until the messiah comes. So ceding sovereignty there would not have been a religious
hardship. Barak could have conceded interim sovereignty to the Palestinians on the
condition that those arrangements would be reopened when the messiah arrived (by Biblical
criteria: nations beating their swords into plowshares and the lion lying down with the
Nor has Israel ever acknowledged responsibility for the hundreds of thousands of
Palestinians who were driven out of Israel in 1948, many of whose descendants today live
in refugee camps.
None of this had been resolved at Camp David, and so most Palestinians realized that the
peace process was just another mechanism to prolong the status quo of an oppressive
I was honored to attend the signing of the Oslo accords at the White House in 1993, and in
the pages of Tikkun magazine I have severely criticized those Palestinian intellectuals
like Edward Said who did not believe that Palestinian self-determination would be granted
in the five years that Oslo promised. Now, seven years later, I can understand why
Palestinians would feel cheated and
outraged over the endless occupation. Add to that the racist attitudes that led Barak to
seek Israeli Arab votes in the last election, his subsequent refusal to allow Arab parties
into his government for fear that their presence would make the government appear
''illegitimate'' and the long history of discrimination against Israeli Arabs in housing
and employment, and you get the volatile ingredients that led to the explosions last week
and the subsequent massive violence against Arabs both inside Israel and in the occupied
territories. For example, as police looked on, Jewish mobs reenacted a classic Russian
pogrom on Palestinian civilians in Nazareth this week.
None of this justifies Palestinian violence or the far more massive counter-violence of
the occupying Israeli army. But I see no hope that the disgusting cycle of violence on
both sides will stop until Israel is willing to end the occupation and end its internal
racism against Arab Israelis. And as a religious Jew, I know that God and the Torah are
served best when we insist that every human being, including our enemies, be seen as
equally valuable to God and equally created as embodiments of the divine. Given my own
outrage at the killing of Israeli soldiers, this is a moment when it seems easier to just
forget my faith and stay in my anger. But I also know that when the Jewish people can only
see our own (very real and legitimate) pain, it's time to atone.
Michael Lerner RabbiLerner@tikkun.org
Rabbi Michael Lerner is editor of Tikkun:
a Bimonthly Jewish Critique of Politics, Culture and Society and author of ''Spirit
Matters: Global Healing and the Wisdom of the Soul'' (Walsch Books, 2000)
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