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Bénarès - Bledi live

Bénarès Music Band



Nouveau morceau de Bénarès : BLEDI !!!
Un petit clin d'oeil à la Tunisie, on espère que ça va vous plaire.



Voila les paroles !!!

I want to patch things up but nothing is gonna change

Oh it s called bled el horeya wal amen

Laws are not here to let you feel the strength

Insanity fi bled hakh el enssen

So far from my family

I Forget what i am supposed to be

So far from you sweet country

I'm becoming someone else but me

Nheb ennkholek elli hobbek houwa elli seken fi khalbi

Rihet follek hiya elli etdhkarni hkeyet soghri

Nheb enkhollek elli mahma baed annek enti dima fi beli

Chweraek fi khyeli ew dammek yejri fi arouki

I want to smooth out

All this pain In this world of horiya and amen

Laws are not here to let you feel the strengh

Insanity fi bled hakh el ensen

So far from reality

I'm drawing an other destiny

Where we will be you and me

Equals brothers and free

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