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Harissa Foundation

So that our past may have a future

 The father of twelve children, by Emile Tubiana

Harissa Foundation: So that our past may have a future

Be the ball

Jrencontre : To meet jewish Singles

Join us for MedFest

Rabbi Fradji Chaouat of Testour

The Blessing, by Emile Tubiana

Anatomy of an amnesia, by Denis Elkoubi

I have a dream, open letter to Ehud Barak, by Mr Kamami

Marco Soria : A Livornese family

The eclipse, by Daphne Romy-Masliah

"Wake up Sefardim," by Josiane Abitbol

Ruben Corcos : The Messianic era

Jaco Halfon Artist

Paul Guez honored in Los Angeles


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Why a Jewish Tunisian site?

If you are a Tunisian Jew, you certainly understand the need for a cyber-representation! After all, Tunisian Jews or "Tunes" have emigrated in most places on earth and therefore, why not on the Internet??
But if you are not a Tunisian Jew and are asking yourself this question, then I would like to know first what you are doing here??
- Oh!!!!  So you say you are curious?? Supposedly you stumbled by chance upon this site and there you decided to take a look?? Yeaahh right, right!!!
- Or maybe, more likely you do have some kind of affinity with these people??? In my opinion, you have probably been seduced recently by a "Tune" and you are dying to learn more about these puzzling individuals!
- Or even worse, you might be an adoring fan convinced that the Tunisian Jew represents what is closest to what we call human perfection and you need to understand how they got there?? (If you really think that, I have good news for you : Modern psychiatry have recently made enormous progress and there is hope now even for a case like yours).
In any case, dear navigators/explorers, what you all have in common, is that you have encountered during the course of your life one of these wonderful Tunisian Jews and that you have appreciated their charm, wits, enjoyment of life and tremendous intelligence.  And that has triggered your curiosity! 
Well,  let me tell you that you have found the right site. Because Harissa.com represents the ideal place to finally understand the secrets behind the magnificence of the Tunisian Jews!!
So, whoever you are, bienvenue, marahba and welcome, come in, come in, come in!! Because I have to say it, even though we may appear bizarre in the first place, we Tunisian Jews share a quality which is recognized by our friends and foes: We love to entertain and we know how to do it!!!
So, don't be shy, push the blue door and...........


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