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Naomi Shemer chante "Al kol Ele"

Naomi Shemer chante "Al kol Ele"



Naomi Shemer

Naomi est née et a grandi à Kvoutzat Kinneret. Ce n'est qu'en 1983 qu'elle reçoit un prix pour son travail.

Naomi Shemer chante "Al kol Ele"

La chanson la plus belle qu'elle ait écrite. C'est une prière pour tout ce qui est simple et beau dans la vie. Le plus important encore, c'est une prière pour nous pour revenir toujours chez soi.



Al hadevash v'al haoketz 
Al hamar vehamatok 
Al bitenu hatinoket 
Shmor E-li hatov 
Al haesh hamevoeret 
Al hamayim hazakim 
Al haish hashav habayta 
Min hamerchakim 
Al kol eleh, Al kol eleh 
Shmor na li, E-li hatov 
Al hadevash v'al haoketz 
Al hamar vehamatok 
Al na taakor natua 
Al tishkach et hatikva 
Hashiveni Ve'ashuva 
El ha'aretz hatova 



Shmor E-li al zeh habayit 
Al hagan, al hachoma 
Miyagon, mipachad peta 


Shmor al hame'at sheyesh li 
Al haor ve'al hataf 
Al hapri shelo hivshil od 

Al kol eleh... 
Merashresh ilan baruach 
Merachok noshar kochav 
Mishalot libi bachoshech 
Nirshamot achshav 
Ana shmor li al kole eleh 
Ve'al ahuvey nafshi 
Al hasheket al a bechi 
Ve'al zeh hashir

Over the honey and the thorn 
Over the bitter and the sweet 
Over our infant daughter 
Grant your protection, Good Lord 
Over the burning fires 
Over the clear waters 
Over the man who returns home 
From distant places 

Over all these, please grant Your protection, Good Lord 
Over the honey and over the thorn 
Over the bitter and over the sweet. 
Do not uproot that which has been planted 
Do not forget the great hope 
Bring me back and I shall return 
To the good Land

Grant your protection, Good Lord, over this house 
Over the garden, over the wall. 
Protect us from grief, from sudden fear, 
And from war 
Guard over the little that I have 
Over the light and over the young ones 
Over the fruits that have not yet become ripe 
And over those that have already been harvested 
A tree whispers in the wind 
In the distance a star shoots 
My heart's requests in darkness 
Are inscribed now 
Please grant your protection for me on all of these things 
And on all that I love 
On the silence and on the tears 
And on this song


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