Tunisian Film Festival, Free Tunisia 5619 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90028 USA 001 424 242 3856
About The Festival
For the first time ever here in Los Angeles and in the United States we will
meet together to attend the first edition of the Tunisian Film Festival.
The story continues, it began after the Tunisian revolution, the Free Tunisia
team and friends from all over the world met around this unique idea to
bring closer Tunisian cinema and culture to this great city. This particular
vision centers around bringing the world closer to this already vibrant
community of Hollywood.
Consider what was accomplished: the enthusiasm of Tunisian citizens who
brought us the “Arab Spring” and the ambitions of our friends here in
America lead us to put together this unique event with a starting date on
January 10th 2012, the week of the one year anniversary of the great
Tunisian uprising.
The dawn of Democracy in Tunisia after years of dictatorship will be in full
display with the arrival of filmmakers, artists and cultural ambassadors
including up and coming young artists and actors some of them for the first
time here in Hollywood.
This festival will embody the freedom and diversity of Tunisian Cinema.
It will commemorate the advent of freedom and celebrate cinema free from
censorship and speak of amazing talent.
The events that shook the world and changed it forever started in Tunisia
and showed us how small our planet is, from Sidibouzid, Tunisia to Occupy
Wall street and now Occupy LA. Boundaries are no longer relevant and
societies are one!
Tunisian Film Festival, Free Tunisia 5619 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90028 USA 001 424 242 3856
Promoter of The Event
Free Tunisia is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting
freedom, justice and equal opportunities for all Tunisians. We are committed
to fully supporting Tunisian democracy and human rights by promoting
principles of tolerance and equality, fighting
poverty and reinforcing individual social and
economic rights. We believe in freedom of speech,
in free exercise of beliefs for every Tunisian and in
an impartial judiciary system for Tunisia independent of any political
We believe that economic prosperity and political liberty are not
mutually exclusive; rather they must come together for a sustainable and
equal future for all Tunisians.
Tunisian Film Festival, Free Tunisia 5619 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90028 USA 001 424 242 3856
Barnsdall Gallery Theater:
4800 Hollywood Blvd Hollywood CA 90027.
from January 10 to 12 2012.
The First day 01/10/2012
6:00 Pm: Opening ceremony music by artist Yasser Jeradi, Hamza
Malouche and professor Mark Levine on guitar, Festival’s presentation by
actress Rym El Banna and the TFF direction team.
6:30 Pm : Projection of the film “ The project “
Duration: (--) mn Fiction
Film maker: Mohamed Ali Nahdi
7:00 Pm: Projection of the film “Hikayat Tounsiya”
Duration: 00 Fiction
Film maker: Nada Mezni Hafaiedh
8:00 Pm : Projection of the film “ Hiya ou Howa “
Duration: (--) Fiction
Film maker : Elyes baccar
9:00 Pm: Projection of the film “ Moisson Magique”
Duration: 18 mn Doc
Film maker: Anis Lassoued
-The film makers that are attending the festival will do a Q & A and debate
issues on the films.
Tunisian Film Festival, Free Tunisia 5619 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90028 USA 001 424 242 3856
10pm: Closing music by artists Yasser Jeradi and Hamza Milouche with
MC-Rai and Mark Levine.
==> Exhibition of photography for two days about Tunisia before, during
and after the revolution. It will encompass the diversity of Tunisian society
by a collection from young Tunisian artists and Calligraphy work by
International Artist Yasser Jeradi.
The Second day 01/11/2012
6:00pm: Program opener with Music from the festival musical guests.
6:30Pm: Projection of the film “ Fallega 2011 “
Duration: 52 Mn Doc
Film maker: Tawfik Omrani
7:00 Pm: Projection of the film “ Caravan of Erg”
Duration: 45mn Doc
Film maker: Hazem berrabah
8:00 Pm : Projection of the film “ Making off”
Duration: (–) Fiction
Film maker : Nouri bouzid
9:00 Pm: Projection of the film “Ken Ya Maken“
Duration: (--) min Doc
Film Maker: Hichem Ben Ammar
-The film makers that are attending the festival will do a Q & A and debate
issues on the films.
9:30 Pm: Closing music by artist MC-Rai, Professor Mark Levine and
Hamza Milouch on piano with a surprise guest singer.
Tunisian Film Festival, Free Tunisia 5619 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90028 USA 001 424 242 3856
9:50 Pm: A closing note from the team of the festival to all the sponsors and
contributors behind it.
The Third Day 01/12/2012
Studio and Film School (American Film Institute, Los Angeles Film
School...) Tour for the Tunisian delegation, a behind the look at Hollywood.
Meet and great fellow American directors, actors, film student and Industry
members at their work for a workshop and potential cooperation.
Festival closing reception / Dinner with final words from the visiting artists
and music by the festival guest musicians.
Staff in Los Angeles & San Francisco, California
Organization committee:
Executive Producer: Bechir Blagui
Contact : ( +1)4242423856
E_mail : Tunisianfilmfestival@freetunisia.org
www.tunisianfilmfest.com www.freetunisia.org
Fund-raising Director: Jordan Elgrably
Contact: (+1) 310733 0741
E-mail: Tunisianfilmfestival@freetunisia.org
Artistic Advisor: Mohammed Chaoua
Contact: (+1)3106961195
E-mail: tunisiafilmfestival@freetunisia.org
Media Liason: Walid Mathlouthi
Contact: (+1)9252360216
E-mail: tunisianfilmfestival@freetunisia.org
Staff in Tunis & Gabes, Tunisia
Communication Director: Esma Riden
Contact: 011 (216) 24965038
E-mail: Tunisianfilmfestival@freetunisia.org
Artistic Coordinator: Ahmed Achour
Contact: 011 (216) 92586279
Tunisian Film Festival, Free Tunisia 5619 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90028 USA 001 424 242 3856
Tunisian Film Festival, Free Tunisia 5619 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90028 USA 001 424 242 3856
Festival’s Promoter
Festival’s partners
Tunisian Film Festival, Free Tunisia 5619 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90028 USA 001 424 242 3856
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