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Alain Cohen - Got Kosher Los Angeles

Alain Cohen - Got Kosher Los Angeles


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MARCH 4, 2011

Banatage (potato croquettes
with ground beef, onion & parsley)
Briek Cigars with Cumin-Scented Beef & Harissa
Breik Cigars with Potato and Tuna
Grilled Shitake Mushrooms in a Mirin Sauce
Matboukha (Moroccan stewed tomato and pepper salad)
Minina (Tunisian chicken frittata)
Mock Chopped Liver
Quinoa Salad with Butternut Squash, Currants
& Zeresh Tunisian Spicy Meatballs

Baked Chicken in Apricot Sauce with Toasted Almonds
Boneless Chicken Thighs stewed in a Tomato Basil Sauce
Brisket Stewed with 40 Cloves of Garlic
Old-Fashioned Beef Stew with Onion & Tomatoes
Tongue with Capers & Cornichons
Tunisian Cholent--T'fina Aricha with Beef, Egg & Potato
Tunisian P'kaila (beef stew simmered with beef & beans)
 with Osbana (Tunisian kishka stuffed with
beef, rice, herbs & spice) & Couscous

Baby Carrots Glazed with Lavender Honey
Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Green Beans with Slivered Almonds
Kasha Varnishkas
Wild Rice Pilaf

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Dear Friends,


Alain just returned from Paris, where he attended his nephew's wedding.  Inspired by the visit, he decided to put more Jewish Tunisian specialties on our shabbat menu.

This week, for appetizers, we are serving our breik--fried turnovers with various fillings, and banatage--a large mashed-potato dumpling filled with seasoned beef.  (Also, we have Moroccan cigars & matboukha.) 


Main dishes: This week we are serving a delicious Tunisian cholent--T'fina Aricha. The grain in the Tunisian cholent is a type of whole kernel wheat. The other ingredients are beef, potato and egg. Two other traditional Tunisian favorites on the menu are P'kaila with Osbana & couscous. P'kaila is a long-simmered stew of spinach, beans and beef. The Osbana is Tunisian kishka, stuffed with fragrant herbs (mint, parsley & cilantro) beef and spice.

Finally, for those looking for a vegetarian entree, we're serving everyone's favorite Tunisian Artichoke Beignet & Fava Bean Tajine (with tofu).

Shabbat Shalom & Bon Appetit!

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