Nouvelles de France, d'Israël ... et d'ailleurs
31 août 2007, 09:30

Appel au boycott d’Israël dans une conférence de l’ONU

- - Thème: Boycott

Une conférence internationale de soutien de la société civile à une paix israélo-palestinienne a été organisée à Bruxelles par le Comité des Nations Unies pour l'exercice des droits inaliénables des Palestiniens. Lors des débats qui se sont tenus au Parlement Européen, des participants ont appelé au boycott d’Israël et à son isolement international, nous apprend Yedioth Aharonot.
Selon l'organisation du B’nai Brith, qui a envoyé des délégués pour suivre la conférence à laquelle des politiques pro-palestiniens et des ONG étaient également parties prenantes, une parlementaire britannique, Clare Short, a affirmé qu'Israël n'était pas intéressé par deux Etats, et a blâmé l'Union européenne de« permettre » à Israël de construire « un mur d’apartheid ». « Le boycott a marché pour l’Afrique du Sud. Il est temps de refaire la même chose », a-t-elle ajouté.
Cette conférence rappelle, selon les ONG juives, les déviances de Durban I et présagent mal des suites de Durban II qui doivent avoir lieu en 2009.


UN summit: Boycott Israel

United Nations conference at EU parliament compares Israel to apartheid South Africa

Yaakov Lappin Published: 08.31.07, 00:08 / Israel News

A UN conference, held at the European Parliament in Brussels, heard an array of speakers call for a boycott against Israel and strategize on ways to achieve its international isolation, during the first day of an event billed by organizers as a gathering to promote "Middle East peace".

The 'International Conference of Civil Society in Support of Israeli-Palestinian Peace' has been organized by the UN's Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, and attracted political figures and pro-Palestinian members of non governmental organizations (NGOs).


Le programme de la conférence


General Assembly

Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

Re: Nouvelles de France, d'Israël ... et d'ailleurs
02 septembre 2007, 01:02
Cinq équipages israéliens d'hélicoptères vont être honorés pous leur courage durant la deuxième guerre du Liban.

La vidéo d'un sauvetage périlleux en territoire libanais


Last update - 01:34 02/09/2007

Rescue under fire

By Haaretz Staff and Channel 10 10 daily feature for September 1, 2007.

Five Israel Air Force helicopter crewmen are to receive citations for bravery on Sunday for their participation in one of the most complicated and difficult rescue operations of the Second Lebanon War.
Re: Nouvelles de France, d'Israël ... et d'ailleurs
02 septembre 2007, 03:40
Une école Haredi (orthodoxe) de Talmud Thorah à Beit Shemesh refuse l'inscription d'un enfant de quatre ans et demi parce que son grand-père maternel est d'origine sépharade, bien que le père de l'enfant soit ashkenase.

Le directeur de l'école a déclaré :
"Dites au cher père de l'enfant que, bien que lui-même soit complètement ashkénase, le père de sa femme est sépharade; en conséquence nous ne pouvons pas accepter son fils dans notre institution où nous devons maintenir un certain niveau." (...) "On ne veut pas abîmer notre Talmud Thorah avec de la mauvaise marchandise", ont-ils fait dire aux parents.

Haredi school rejects 'Sephardi' child


Talmud Torah school rejects four-year-old due to Sephardi grandfather. Principal says child has ‘stain’ in genealogy

Zvi Alush Published: 09.02.07, 10:09 / Israel Jewish Scene

Anyone who thinks that racist rules are a thing of the past is wrong, according to the mother of a four-and-a-half year old child who was rejected from a Talmud Torah school because of his grandfather’s ethnicity.

“They are alive and kicking in all their ugliness in Ashkenazi haredi educational institutions,” the mother said.

The child was denied admission to a Talmlud Torah school in Beit Shemesh because of what its principal called a “stain” in his genealogy.

“Tell the child’s dear father that although he himself is completely Ashkenazi, his wife’s father is Sephardic, and we therefore cannot accept his son into our institution. We have to maintain a certain standard,” the principal said.

The child’s mother made several attempts to change the principal’s mind, to no avail.

“I begged the principal. I explained that my child is truly Ashkenazi and looks exactly like his father. Our son also speaks Yiddish, but nothing helped,” the mother said. “They explained to a friend of ours that they didn’t want to ruin their Talmud Torah with ‘damaged goods’.”

Re: Nouvelles de France, d'Israël ... et d'ailleurs
02 septembre 2007, 07:11

Je rêve en lisant cela !!!!!!!!!!!!

Est-on sûrs que cela puisse être vrai?
Re: Nouvelles de France, d'Israël ... et d'ailleurs
02 septembre 2007, 08:11
Un groupe d'archeologistes israeliens accuse les autorites islamiques de deteriorer les ruines du IIe Temple, bien que les autorites israeliennes aient supervise les fouilles.

A group of Israeli archaeologists charged Islamic religious authorities with damaging Second Temple remnants although Israeli authorities supervised the dig in question.

The Public Committee Against the Destruction of Antiquities on the Temple Mount on Thursday charged the Wakf, the Islamic authority supervising the mosques on Jerusalem's Temple Mount, with damaging an ancient 7-meter wide wall. The Wakf denied the charges.

The dig in question was to replace decades-old electric cables and was supervised by an Israel Antiquities Authority official.

The archaeologists' committee was established after reports surfaced in recent years of Islamic authorities dumping ancient Jewish artifacts in garbage dumps.
Re: Nouvelles de France, d'Israël ... et d'ailleurs
02 septembre 2007, 08:17
le pauvre gosse un peu sepharade est reste en rade ...
Re: Nouvelles de France, d'Israël ... et d'ailleurs
03 septembre 2007, 00:52
Une société d'informatique israélienne pourrait concurrencer Google à l'avenir.


Google's Israeli rival?

By harnessing power of community social behavior, Israeli start-up Collarity is looking to challenge Google in battle of search engines

Gal Mor Published: 09.02.07, 17:36 / Israel Money

"People tell me that searching with Google is pretty good. I tell them to look ahead at what search engines will look like in 15 or 20 years," says Emil Ismalon, a physicist, meditation instructor and founder of Collarity.

Founded in 2005 and with several patents registered to its name, the Israeli company, which powers Ynet's new search engine, seeks to bridge the online divide between the personal and the collective by employing the largely untapped resource of communal knowledge.

The company's vision sees the future of search engines in the relationship between the single user and the community of users – with the user benefiting from the community, which has likely searched for the same thing before him – and the user influencing the community back through his own searches.

Users can elect to filter results based only on their own history or that of any community – with every "community" originating from a unifying starting point.

Search entries are analyzed to help group "clusters" – networks of users with common interests whose results would likely be relevant to others conducting similar searches.

For instance, if a music website were to incorporate Collarity into its features, users searching for a term would receive results based on previous searches made by other members from a relevant network.

"We create collective profiles of different communities – be they serial killers, physicists or fishermen," says Ismalon. "Every individual is an unlimited source of information – the trick is bringing that information to the people who need it."
Re: Nouvelles de France, d'Israël ... et d'ailleurs
03 septembre 2007, 01:05
Beith Hannah, une école de filles Loubavitch de Jérusalem fait la rentrée scolaire avec un système d'identification par empreintes digitales.


Chabad school fingerprints pupils

Beit Hannah high school brings in biometric fingerprint identification device to check students' attendance. National Council for the Child expresses concern with new policy; school principal says students are happy

Kobi Nachshoni Published: 09.02.07, 17:25 / Israel Jewish Scene

The new school year brings with it innovative (and questionable) methods of guaranteeing students' attendance as students of a Jerusalem high school found on their first day of school last week.

Pupils of the Chabad movement's Beit Hannah girls' high school in Jerusalem were surprised to find upon arrival that the school had installed a biometric fingerprint identification device.

According to reports, the educational staff has been forcing the underage students to identify themselves using this machine upon entering and exiting the school, and they were even warned that anyone trying to get out of signing in would be punished.

The school's principal Rabbi Peretz Bloy said the new system allows more accurate inspection in the school. Up until now, teachers have been forced to stand at the gate and handle the register on their own, which would take a long time in the 370-pupil school.

The principal also argued that the new system teaches the girls maturity and responsibility, since signing in was their own responsibility.

'Parents happy with decision'

Re: Nouvelles de France, d'Israël ... et d'ailleurs
03 septembre 2007, 01:18
Israël est le pays méditerranéen qui a la proportion la plus grande (16%) de son territoire classé en réserves naturelles. La France consacre 11,7 % de son territoire, l'Espagne 7,7 % et le Liban 0,5 %


Last update - 12:06 02/09/2007

Israel leads Mediterranean countries in terms of nature reserves

By Zafrir Rinat, Haaretz Correspondent

Israel leads Mediterranean countries in terms of the proportion of its territory that is protected, according to a report by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN).

According to IUCN figures, the protected area in Israel constitutes 16 percent of the country's total area, as opposed to 11.7 percent in France, 7.7 percent in Spain, and 0.5 percent in Lebanon.

A protected open space consists of nature reserves, national parks, farmlands and forested areas. The numbers confirm that Israel has successfully allocated extensive areas to nature conservation.

However, the report overlooks the fact that a large amount of the open space in Israel is in military use, mostly in the Negev. While the IDF activities are environmentally unsustainable, a special agreement between the IDF and the Israel Nature and Parks Authority limits the damage they inflict.


Re: Nouvelles de France, d'Israël ... et d'ailleurs
03 septembre 2007, 05:19
Pour la première fois une juive marocaine se présente aux élections du parlement du Maroc.
Maggie Cacoun, une femme d'affaires de Casablanca, agée de 54 ans, ne veut pas que ses origines juives soient au centre de sa campagne. Elle a été élue récemment à la tête de la liste du parti Al-Wast Al-Aghtama’i (Centre Social).


Jewish woman runs in Moroccan elections

Maggie Cacoun first Jewish woman to run for seat in Moroccan parliamentary elections. ‘I do not want to be treated as a Jew,’ Cacoun says

Smadar Peri Published: 09.03.07, 13:31 / Israel Jewish Scene

Maggie Cacoun, a 54-year-old businesswoman from Casablanca, is the first Jewish woman to run for a seat in Morocco’s parliament.

Cacoun, who was recently elected to head the woman’s list of the Al-Wast Al-Aghtama’i (Social Center) party, did not want her Jewish background to become the focus of her campaign.

"I do not want to be treated as a Jew. I am a loyal Moroccan citizen first," she said.

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